Tuesday, April 27, 2010



TAXI has a lot of reallly cool campaigns. Not just boring print ads, but virtual cities like the Heineken City or The Plan B ads:


I tried to click on shareyouroops.ca but it takes you to the Plan B website. I think this is a funny way of approaching such a serious subject.

The young, sexually active woman in her early 20s has grown up in an era where for every problem there is a solution. While her attitude towards unwanted pregnancy is serious, her thoughts and feelings about sex are the exact opposite. This led us to the campaign idea: “Oops” happens and, when it does, there’s Plan B.

Posters with the headline “The..........Pill.” invited women to share their sexual “oops” by filling in the blank interactively via mobile phones or online at "shareyouroops.ca". Favouring bars, fitting rooms, and campuses, the approach brought a solution close to the target, in a tone that was close to their playful attitudes about sex, and with media close to their lives.

The “oops” campaign generated a 59% increase in unaided awareness and 28% of visitors to the website clicked through to planb.ca to receive more information on the product, ultimately resulting in a 19% increase in sales.

Make your own ad:


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