Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Excess Baggage

I like how Muller pushed the idea of how annoying it is to be charged for bags on airlines. Muller took it to the next level when they moved outside of the airline industry and into taxi cabs. It forces the customer to remember how shocking it was when airlines started charging for bags. This ad highlights how ridiculous bag fees are! I hope the taxi industry doesn't adopt this trend.

Austin's GSD&M Idea City, exaggerates the benefit with their "Bags Fly Free" campaign. According to an article in Insidethatad.com:

" 'Bags Fly Free' has proven to be a strong marketing campaign for Southwest, and the airline believes it is a major reason that Southwest has gained market-share in domestic airline service, said Kevin Krone, Southwest’s vice president of marketing and sales distribution. Momentum has built since many leisure travelers fly infrequently and are still adjusting the hefty fees that other airlines are charging to check baggage."

Both Ad Agencies use mockery to say their airline has overall cheaper flights. I like how Southwest emphasized all bags fly free. The Southwest spots talk more about the benefit because they literally say "bags fly free" numerous times throughout the commercial. Whereas JetBlue focuses too much on the ridiculousness of charging extra for bags...it doesn't sell the benefit as well as GSD&M. Muller's tagline is also misleading "Check your first bag for free"- it doesn't seem like such a great deal after all. I do give Muller credit for making a funny ad, but in the end Southwest allows you to bring more bags for your buck.

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